African American Women in 
Education Network Development

A2WEND aims to inspire and empower African American women in their educational and career pursuits, while also breaking down the barriers that they often encounter.  Through advocacy, education, mentoring, and professional development activities, our team diligently works to contribute to the change and advancement of African American female students, faculty, staff, and administrators in the community college system and the community as a whole.
About Us
Who Are We?
  • We are the women who were in need of  resources for college.
  • We are the women who were not selected for a position or overlooked for a promotion because we were women of color.
  • We are the women who lacked direction and confidence because we didn't have a support system to encourage us.
  • We are the women who are educated, successful, and dedicated to helping others.
  • We are your sisters.
  • We are your support.
We Are You!

"You have the right to be exactly who you are--beautiful, black and educated."

Quote:  "You educate a woman, you educate a nation...."      
                                African Proverb

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